Louise Green: The First of Many Post-Radiation Days

I open this blog with a picture and post for Louise Green, one of my 10 Years of Connections companions. Louise was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer in the fall of 2008. Today I was originally scheduled to make a visit with Louise to Sibley Hospital for one of her last rounds of radiation. It turns out Louise was able to finish her treatment early and today, March 17th, was the first radiation-free day for Louise.

I was still able to visit Louise today and honored I could share time with her on this threshold day of moving from treatment to well-being.

I met Louise in NYC while she was the Associate Pastor at Judson Memorial United Church of Christ. I was in my last year at Union and needed some guidance on my road to ordination. A Union colleague, Joan Sakalas, recommended I talk with Louise to discern my ordination process. I took Joan's advice, called up Louise, and she has been a source of wisdom and love ever since. That was 1997. My interview with Louise is scheduled for that Tuesday of Holy Week.


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