Audio From My Interview with Kathleen Ennis-Durstine


Blessed and Beloved with her grandfather
4:30--Life changing conversation in a car ride
7:30--Radical nature of Kathleen
11:30--Parish work and being "open to whatever God would send her way."
16:30--Kathleen's first experience @ Children's Hospital in Washington, D.C.

Kathleen continues with being pulled into ministry at Children's

3:15--Baptism and the sacrament of love
8:30--rituals incorporated into baptism at Children's

Praying at Children's
4:15--Interfaith setting and prayer
7:00--the Christian story, particularly Jesus' final days, at Children's
12:00--Aspects of living in God's Way most important to Kathleen
14:00--an image that speaks to Kathleen's life right now


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