Audio from my interview with Mary Foulke

Steppingstones of Life

Experience of childhood

3:00--graduated from college and entered the "deep waters of life" by volunteering with PCUSA

7:00--back in the U.S. and next steps

8:00--witnessed and heard a sermon of call from Jack McClendon @ New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C.

9:30--Mary heads to Union Seminary in NYC and grows-up

14:00--started professional ministry in the closet

17:15--left ordained ministry of PCUSA

the reason to leave PCUSA and the image of the Eucharist

4:15--self identity

8:50--cost of identity and subverting the traditional model of success in ministry

11:50--living in God's Way

The Eucharist is......

Ordained ministry is.....

5:45--Mary's radical nature

10:45--her image of life


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