Realizations from my interview with Barbara Gerlach

What did my interview with Barbara Gerlach help me realize?

  • That when I sit with someone with their raw, palpable emotions, I find intimacy with that person plus myself. This seems to be one dimension of hospitality--you welcome the emotions of the companion and yourself.
  • At one point, Barbara stated as she gets older she becomes more of a Christian, and less of of a Christian. Embracing more of the justice, spiritual formation, liturgical celebrations based on inclusive, non-hierarchical relationships rather than out-dated theology that takes us to our heads and no where else. I connect with Barbara's more of a Christian, less of a Christian idea.
  • I thrive on relationships based on share humanity.
  • I thrive on hearing stories of women who have taken on the oppressive nature of church and society. This work has not been done alone, but in the company of other women who help process the demoralizing sexism and encourage critical, strategic thinking for institutional change.
  • I was reminded how I emotionally dissolve when I feel invisible.
  • After I do these interviews, I just can't go to church to get back to work. I need to get a massage, spiritual direction, have a drink or all of the above ______________________________________________________
In honor of my experience of being "transported" with Barbara back to 1998, I've included a sanskrit yogic chant song, "Om Namo Narayanaya." Sanskrit chant, done in the context of yoga particularly, transports me to another realm. Narayanaya means "human without ending, or there is a never ending movement of birth, life, and death within the cosmos."

In our final ritual together, I had Barbara create an image from paper that represented our time together. I did the same. Barbara's titled her image, "Life Opening Out of the Inner Space." My image was of tree roots being surrounded by a connective tissue or Spirit.


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